James Swanson, 70, died after Monday's crash on Zion Road; police believe he had a medical issue behind the wheel
The collision in Henderson left the man dead, two others injured
Delphis Lannan, 63, died in the collision at Crosspoint Boulevard late Thursday night
Cade Kirk, 33, was found guilty for his role in the beating death of Corey Fisher, 44
VCSO: Braxton A. Morris faces numerous charges in connection with domestic violence
Shane Hedrick was found guilty of murder and neglect for the death of 6-month-old Kaysen Hedrick
Tuesday's collision at U.S. 41 and St. George Road killed Haley Crumb and Brent McKinney, both 24, both of Evansville
Sgt. Anthony Aussieker takes the role as Sgt. Trudy Day moves to night shift supervisor
The collision on U.S. 41 at Patoka claimed the life of Amy Wilson, 53