Change filters, weather-strip, caulk, shut curtains, invest in energy efficient appliances
The check covers the cost of energy efficiency projects in schools
Costume contest and games for kids, energy-saving tips for adults
A state House committee voted to extend a task force charged with developing energy policy for Indiana for another two years. But some lawmakers are…
The Indiana NAACP announced on Friday it will help fund the installation of solar panels on the roof of a community center in Evansville.It’s part of a…
The national business group Advanced Energy Economy is reporting a 4 percent growth in Indiana jobs last year. That means more Hoosiers than ever are…
Evansville has spent the past years concentrating on building a more environmental friendly community. In the efforts of understanding the processes of…
The future of Indiana’s energy consumption seems to be the big topic at the statehouse this month.Both the Senate and House are working on separate bills…