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CenterPoint Offers Spring Efficiency Tips

Change filters, weather-strip, caulk, shut curtains, invest in energy efficient appliances

CenterPoint Energy is suggesting some spring cleaning “tools, tips and resources.” WNIN’s has details:

The Texas-based utility company encourages customers to take steps to increase energy efficiency at home.

Steps include changing or cleaning the filters in HVAC systems; using weather-stripping or caulking where cooled air may escape, like around windows and doors or where warm air could enter; blocking the sun’s rays on warmer days by keeping curtains or blinds closed when the sun is shining its brightest; conserving hot water with energy-saving showerheads; and when it’s time for new appliances, upgrading to more energy-efficient equipment.

Customers can learn more about energy saving can be found at CenterPointEnergy.com/SavingsTips