En este episodio our contributor Karli Goldenberg explores collective care, o el cuidado colectivo.
Before the U.S. declared a national emergency and Illinois issued a “Stay-at-Home Order,” Karli attended a community conversation about wellness hosted by Northwestern University’s Multicultural Student Affairs. Dr. Asif Wilson, Associate Dean of Instruction at Harold Washington College in Chicago, talked about collective care for people of color.

“The pain of my ancestors lives in me, it’s hardwired in me through an epigenomic marker in my DNA. The pain is stored in us, but the joy and the wisdom and, for the purpose of today, the inextricable boundedness to one another is hardwired in us. People are more than their pain. People are more than their past. They are legacies of survival, thrival and resistance, and hella joy.” - Asif Wilson
Karli también habló (via Zoom) con Rosemary Magaña the founder of Adelante Counseling and Wellness and the co-creator of Sana Sana, a wellness space for Latinx-identifying students on campus.
Sana Sana was inspired by la rima tradiciónal “Sana Sana, Colita de Rana, si no sanas hoy, sanarás mañana,” y ofrece un espacio empoderamiento para estabelecer un sentido de comunidad for Latinx students.
La canción para este episodio es “La Casa No Existe” by Alejandro y Maria Laura.
Inclusive Therapists, the site allows you to look for therapy across the United States (great for those in the Midwest but outside of the Chicagoland area), and it prioritizes providers of color.