Manuela López Restrepo
Manuela López Restrepo is a producer and writer at All Things Considered. She's been at NPR since graduating from The University of Maryland, and has worked at shows like Morning Edition and It's Been A Minute. She lives in Brooklyn with her cat Martin.
About the size of Rhode Island, the iceberg known as A23a got stuck in an ocean vortex this summer, spinning in place for months. Now, it's free, and heading back into open Antarctic waters.
Twitter has long had a bot problem, but since moderation on the platform was gutted and paid users were given "prioritization" in replies, the landscape has changed.
A recent study calculated that about a fifth of U.S. office space was vacant at the end of last year. What is the fate of all this empty real estate?
A new study has examined the potential ramifications of declining an invitation for a social outing, and found that people tend to overestimate just how much it matters.
The coveted material known for its luxurious softness has become much more accessible and affordable in recent years. But at what cost?
The war between Israel and Hamas is testing the limits of free speech across college campuses. And it's also affecting those who study the Middle East.
More scientific evidence has surfaced to show that while Mittens may be your sweet angel, letting her roam outside is also a big threat to biodiversity.
Every election we're told that each vote counts. Ryan Roth, the newly-elected city council member for Rainier, Wash., is now proof that it does.
It's been a decade since the last Grand Theft Auto game, and fans have finally gotten what they've been asking for. No, not a new game — but a real trailer and a promised release year.
Cardinals linebacker Jesse Luketa was stuck at a gas station with less than an hour before he needed to be at the stadium for Sunday's game. He decided to get resourceful.