The director of Evansville’s Parks Department has stepped-down amid a police investigation.
Mayor Lloyd Winnecke told reporters during a press briefing that seven “questionable” parks department invoices have come to light.
"The invocies in question are not related to each other, and don't appear to be focused on any one area or project. At this time, police have found no evidence of missing city money."
Winnecke said his administration is seeking an independent audit of the Department of Parks and Recreation.
He also said a personnel change has been made.
The lack of clarity in the matter has impacted my condfidence in the management of the parks department. Consequently, I've accepted the resignation of Parks Dtrector Brian Holtz.
The mayor became a bit emotional when announcing Holtz’ resignation.
"I expect every city department head to operate within known parameters, and I lost confidence in Brian's ability to do so going forward."
Winnecke said Deputy Mayor Steve Schaefer will serve as interim parks director.
The mayor said he’s confident the Evansville Police Department will conduct a thorough investigation.
He said the city will seek a contract with an independent auditor as soon as this week.