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Two Main Street

  • David Chats with Chris Hochwender and Bill Hemminger, authors of a new book, "A Beginner's Guide to Cultivating Caring Communities," a collection of essays of regular folks who have rolled up their sleeves to make their communities better.
  • David James talks with German Township Fire Chief Tamara Carr and retired chief John Buckman about preparing for emergencies and responding to disasters.
  • David chats with recently retired 14 News anchor Dan Katz. They share stories from a career in local news, and life after a career in front of the camera as Dan now fires up fans at the Evansville Thunderbolt hockey games.
  • David James talks with The Reverend Allen Rutherford about his research into the meaning of symbols found on tombstones and in graveyards here and abroad.
  • Host David James chats with DeWayne Todd and Ted Haycraft. They discuss their favorite cult films and the unexplainable film "Buckaroo Bonzai."
  • David James talks to the Albion Fellows Bacon Center interim Executive Director Julia Kathary on the 40th anniversary of the center, which serves 11…
  • David James sits down with Jeff Lyons and Jeff’s cat Betty, who became a social media sensation while Jeff was weather-casting from home during the…
  • David James’ guest on Two Main Street is the Honorable Les Shively, Chief Judge of the Vanderburgh Superior Court. The program looks at challenges to…
  • David chats with Local author Gregg McManus. His new book is titled The Bug Light Room.
  • This week David Chats with The Maestro of The Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra, Roger Kalia.