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Two Main St.

  • David James sits down with Jeff Lyons and Jeff’s cat Betty, who became a social media sensation while Jeff was weather-casting from home during the…
  • David James’ guest on Two Main Street is the Honorable Les Shively, Chief Judge of the Vanderburgh Superior Court. The program looks at challenges to…
  • David chats with Local author Gregg McManus. His new book is titled The Bug Light Room.
  • This week David Chats with The Maestro of The Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra, Roger Kalia.
  • David James talks with local author Shawna Kay Rodenberg about her new memoir, Kin, in which she writes about growing up in Eastern Kentucky and living in…
  • David James is joined by nurse and author Carol Havens to explore how families can discuss and manage important end-of-life issues.
  • David James talks with Kristine Cordits about Holly’s House and the Think First, Stay Safe education program. He’s also joined by Heather Fisher, whose…
  • This week David chats with local movie critic and film expert Ted Haycraft. They discuss awards season and the upcoming summer blockbuster season.
  • David James chats with Lincoln Amphitheatre Director Marc Steczyk about live entertainment returning to the outdoor venue this year and about Abraham…
  • Nancy Germano and David James