We're Building A Better Tri-State Together
0000017c-83f8-d4f8-a77d-b3fd0c3b0001¿Qué Pasa, Midwest? is a bilingual podcast that creates a sense of community for Midwestern Latinx who are missing an essential piece of their cultural identity. We do that by sharing their stories to create a sense of hope and alliance. We also foster education on divisive issues. Let us know what's happening, en tu ciudad, in your city! Submit your ideas! Dejanos saber de que estan hablando en el Medio Oeste.

¿QPM? S5 EP 4: Helping Tackle Misinformation in the Latino Community

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En este episodio host Judith Ruiz-Branch habló con Dr. Marina Del-Rios, an emergency room doctor, assistant professor, and research coordinator, via an app called Tape a Call. They discussed the dire need for helpers in the medical field para Latinos en su comunidad, y Dr. Del-Rios shares las soluciones that she’s working on along with the Illinois Latino COVID-19 Initiative.

One of the main issues Dr. Del-Rios had to tackle was misinformation sobre el coronavirus due to la falta de reliable información confiable en español. IllinoisUnidos.com was the solution for that problem. The website provides reliable, user-friendly coronavirus information in English and Spanish. The Illinois Latino COVID-19 Initiative and the website provide helpful resources for various other issues, such as housing, which have been amplified by the pandemic.

Our song for this episode was chosen by Dr. Del Rios - Hijos de Caña-veeeral by Residente - it’s one of her favorites. We hope you enjoyed. 

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