A short film about Evansville’s racial history may be an eye-opener for many residents.
The group “For Evansville” has released the eleven-minute film “Evansville’s Racially Divided History.”
It focuses on two events from the early 1900’s, including an attack on a black neighborhood after a mob was stopped from lynching a black man accused of shooting a police officer.
For Evansville storyteller Jonathan Boettcher says the impact of that event is still felt today…
"It's a pretty big event in Evansville's history that I don't think a lot people know about. But also, it really kind of tarnished Evansville's reputation among the black community."
Local history buff Kelley Coures also told Boettcher about an unsuccessful attempt by a black couple to buy a house in a white neighborhood in 1907.
The film “Evansville’s Racially Divided History” can be found on YouTube.
“For Evansville” also produces a monthly podcast.