The head of WNIN radio and TV is leaving Evansville for a position in Bloomington.

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The Tri-State Public Media Board of Directors has accepted the resignation of President & CEO Brad Kimmel.
Kimmel joined WNIN in 2013. During his time with the organization, he led a capital campaign that funded WNIN’s move to the Public Media Center at Two Main St.
More recently, Kimmel developed a strategic plan expanding the news operations and transitioning WNIN to a “digital now” culture.
In a release, he calls the decision to leave “very bittersweet” but says he’s looking forward to the new challenge of joining Indiana University to manage its PBS and NPR stations.
Kimmel accepted the position of Executive Director of IU’s Radio and Television Services on the Bloomington campus.
Meantime, the WNIN Board has named Tim Black as Interim President & CEO.
He’s currently Vice President of Development and will move into his new role this weekend.
Black says he’s “prepared and excited” for the opportunity.