Indiana Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch visited her hometown to talk about the Holcomb administration’s “5 pillars,” including infrastructure.
The Evansville native told the Downtown Rotary Club that she and Governor Holcomb are committed to infrastructure.
("Which includes finishing I-69 from Evansville all the way to Indianapolis, and trust me, it's going to be done sooner than later. And address our future needs, including an interstate-quality bridge over the Ohio connecting Evansville to Kentucky.")
As for the timeline, Crouch told reporters it requires an “orderly progression.” She said Section 5 of the interstate from Bloomington to Martinsville must be finished first…
("And then we will go into Section 6 which will connect us to Indianapolis and then we will look at the bridges. So, the bridges will probably come as the section to Indianapolis is ongoing. ")
As for the path of an I-69 bridge, Crouch said she’s heard support for the “center one” corridor, which calls for a new multi-lane bridge east of the existing U.S. 41 Twin Bridges -- and possibly keeping one or both of the existing spans for local traffic.
Crouch says in the end, it will come down to dollars.