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‘It is a budget that is at work for you’ - Evansville Mayor Stephanie Terry on 2025 budget

Evansville Mayor Stephanie Terry offers highlights to the Evansville City Council of the proposed 2025 city budget, Tuesday afternoon. Her but is about $20 million higher than the proposed 2024 budget, attributed mainly to salary increases for city staff.
Tim Jagielo
Evansville Mayor Stephanie Terry offers highlights to the Evansville City Council of the proposed 2025 city budget, Tuesday afternoon. Her but is about $20 million higher than the proposed 2024 budget, attributed mainly to salary increases for city staff.

Terry delivered her inaugural 2025 city budget overview Tuesday afternoon at the start of a long day of budget hearings for the city council; includes raises for non-bargaining employees and police, significant challenges such as citywide blight

Following Mayor Terry's overview, each department presented individual budgets.
Tim Jagielo
Following Mayor Terry's overview, each department presented individual budgets.

Mayor Stephanie Terry’s proposed budget is $514 million. This is about $20 million more than former Mayor Lloyd Winnecke’s 2024 proposed budget. Her theme for 2025 is “An Investment in People and Place.’”

That budget increase includes a 3-percent raise for all non-union employees and seven percent for police officers.

“This is how we are prioritizing people,” Terry said. “So how are we prioritizing the ‘place?’ First, by emphasizing our commitment to neighborhood revitalization that starts by increasing our investment in the Affordable Housing Trust Fund to $1 million.”

The $514 million is a combination of all city departments including her office, and the water and sewer utility. These departments will present their individual budgets as well.

Her overview also included challenges.

“Our city is dealing with old infrastructure, widespread blight, limited funds, low borrowing capacity and low wages for our employees,” she said. “These are tough challenges, but we're ready to tackle them. There's still more work ahead …”

Her presentation included positive items like the impactful 812 Day neighborhood cleanup activities, adding a full-time counselor for city employees and the improved water bill relief program.

Terry said the city has $54 million in cash investments and $463.8 million for “all funds” as of June.

The City council will review all departmental budgets and ask them for additions or deletions to approve the total budget in November.

Evansville Mayor Stephanie Terry presents her proposed 2025 budget Tuesday, Aug. 27.
Tim Jagielo
Evansville Mayor Stephanie Terry presents her proposed 2025 budget Tuesday, Aug. 27.