As promised, Evansville Mayor Stephanie Terry says she will revive the Traveling City Hall program next month. WNIN’s John Gibson has details:
The first Traveling City Hall of the Terry administration is set for Thursday evening, February 22nd, at the C.K. Newsome Center.
The administration says it will be conducted in partnership with United Neighborhoods of Evansville, and will precede the regular United Neighborhoods meeting that night.
In a release, Mayor Terry says one of the best parts of running for mayor was hearing directly from the people of Evansville – to hear their concerns, answer their questions, and to just listen to what they have to say about the city.
Terry says the Traveling City Hall is an opportunity for department heads and herself to continue to do that, and take residents’ concerns back to the office the next day and “address them in real time.”
Terry’s administration says it will host quarterly Traveling City Hall meetings throughout 2024, with each being held in a different part of the city.